COVID-19 Update: Prioritizing our clients’ and associates’ health
The health of our clients and staff is our foremost priority during this unprecedented event. So that we may continue to provide excellent service to our clients, we will only open for emergency purposes. For our Tax and Payroll Clients, documents may be dropped off in our mail slot, uploaded to our portal, and/or emailed. There will be a skeleton crew in…
Read More →Sep
COVID-19 Update: Education Tax Breaks
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, students are going back to school this fall, either remotely, in-person or under a hybrid schedule. In any event, parents may be eligible for certain tax breaks to help defray the cost of education. Here is …
Read More →Dec
Taxpayers First Act
The Taxpayer First Act of 2019, which would redesign the Internal Revenue Service, passed both Houses. The bill refocuses the action to live up to its mission of serving taxpayers, overhauling the IRS’ tools of enforcement, and strengthening the IRS’ …
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